Ext. Demo Ver 4.1 (Big Bug Fix!) + 4.2 (Little Bug Fix)

This is a quick update to say that the Extended Demo has now been updated to Version 4.1 4.2!

There was a major bug brought to our attention in the comments section in which it wasn't possible to progress past the Prologue to Seamus' Chapter 1 content — and after a little testing, it turned out to be an issue with progressing past the Prologue, period.

The Big Bug (Fixed 4.1)

If you encountered either of the following error messages in Version 4.0 after the Prologue where the engine "could not find label", this update will fix that issue.

# Error when accessing Hugo's route:
ScriptError: could not find label 'h1'.
# Error when accessing Seamus' route:
ScriptError: could not find label 's1'.

The Little Bug (Fixed 4.2)

Disabling timed choices when prompted before the choice in Seamus Chapter 2 resulted in an error, whereas proceeding with timed choices turned on allowed you to proceed.

This has now been fixed, so you can play without timed choices!

If you plan to play the demo's Camera Update, please update to Version 4.2 before jumping into the game!

Do let us know either in the game page comments or on Discord if there are any other issues with running the demo. 
Alternatively, we also have a Demo Feedback Form that covers not only bug reports but also overall thoughts!

Thank you to juliopn for bringing this to our attention!


OSAS Extended Demo Ver. 4.2 for PC 708 MB
85 days ago
OSAS Extended Demo Ver. 4.2 for Mac 703 MB
85 days ago

Get Of Sense and Soul

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